A little bit about myself
I'm commonly referred to as Saph or ShadowKyogre, depending on how one first comes across me. Anyway, I started my trek into Linux quite a few years ago with Puppy Linux. After that, I started using PCLinuxOS since looked so similar to Windows XP if configured right. I started hopping between PCLinuxOS, Arch Linux, and Windows XP for a while before finally settling down with Arch.
So, here I am, using Arch Linux as my primary OS on my desktop, though my laptop still dual boots with Arch Linux and Windows 7.
- Programming
- Drawing
- Writing
- Roleplaying
- Playing videogames
- Ogling random webpages
- freenode IRC Nickname: ShadowKyogre
- dA Username: ShadowKyogre
- AUR/Arch Linux Forums Username: ShadowKyogre
- Email: shadowkyogre.public@gmail.com
- AIM: ShadowKyogre
- MSN/Skype: Ask
- Yahoo: Ask
Some random goodies
- My underwhelming collection of dotfiles
- My collection of random scripts
- Buildscripts for packages on various distros. Primarily consists of PKGBUILDs and *.specs so far.
- Maaaaad libs
- Gimp plugins I've made
- Get some free storage space on Dropbox
- Or get that free space on Copy.com if that's your thing
Completely original projects
- ChronosLNX [repo]
- QArithmancy [repo]
- QBioBeat [repo]
- QTarot [repo] (mostly functional, but on pause for GUI deck editor and GUI layout editor)
- InQantation [repo] (stuck on trying to figure out how to structure the DB and whether or not it's redundant with note taking apps other ppl'd use for this sort of thing)
- NCDM [repo]
- A systemd unit converter
- Sane ninit boot defaults
Stuff that I've forked and maintain regularly
- Compiz Boxmenu [repo] (original was Compiz Deskmenu)
- Compiz Standalone Utils [repo] (original was some of the stuff from Openbox that helps with this)
- GTK3 port of Openastro
- Mikidown[repo]